Things every serious Jiu-Jitsu practitioner should consider having:

Besides the common things for a usual training/sparring session.  These are some of the items that I find very helpful to have:

High Density Foam Rollers:

This rollers are great for back, neck, shoulder and hip pain or muscle soreness.  It is like having a chiropractor available 24/7.  I use it every morning as soon as I get up and before bed.  There are good for Jiu-Jitsu practitioners, MMA fighters and any type of athlete with a strict training regimen.  I have suffered different neck and back injuries during the years.  Using this simple item has helped me enormously.  I was first told about it by Reylan Gracie at the Gracie Acedemy in Torrance, CA.  You can find it at your local sports store or online stores.


Elasto Gel All Purpose Therapy Wrap:

This is a great item to have in your freezer.  Specially after a hard day of sparring.  It stays cold for a long time.  It molds really well to your body, making it easy to use and comfortable to wear.  There is nothing like icing an injury or sore joint/muscle as soon as possible for a quick recovery and to avoid complications.  I first used these when visiting my chiropractor.  He has different types of wraps for different parts of the body.  This one you can adapt according to your needs, and that is why I chose it.  You can find this at your local medical supply store or online.


Athletic Tape:

This is a must have in your training bag.  Good to replace any stripes that fall off your belt.  And also to aid any aching joints.  Fingers, wrists and toes are the most common use for this tape if you are into grappling.  Any major drug store carries these.  There are also good deals online if you buy bulk.


Epsom Salt:

Great to reduce inflammation, treat minor bruising, and improve circulation/oxygenation to joints.  All you have to do is take a hot bath with it.  You should be able to find this at any drug store.




I use this after a hard training session if I feel any joint pain.  It is also good to use if you feel sore, pain or inflammation at any time.  The great thing about this product is that it is homeopathic.  Best place to buy it is online.  Most health stores carry it. Arnica Montana is a great substitute.  You can take it in colloidal form as well.



Unfortunately not every Jiu-Jitsu practitioner/gym is as clean as we would wish.  It is rare to find an experienced grappler that has never suffered from ringworm.  That is why it is always good to have Lamasil or Lotrimin available.  Specially if you are traveling or training at different schools.  This is an over the counter drug and it is easy to find at most drug stores.


Nail Clippers:

There is nothing worst than sparring with someone with long finger or toe nails.  A pair of these are essential in your gym bag.  Think about it. We use our hands for almost everything we do.  Where would you hide if you were bacteria or a germ? Finger/toe nails! From there it is easy to get transferred to the mouth, eyes, nose or someone else!  Carry a pair of this that way you will never be the guy no one wants to spar with because of your nasty nails.


Sports Microfiber Towel:

Always good to have.  Specially during the summer after a hard training session.  It is lightweight, folds into a small pouch and it does a great job.  And if you ever consider going camping or adventuring into the wild this is a must have.



Neti Pot:

This has changed my life.  It is a very simple pot used to clear/wash nasal cavities.  Used in India for thousands of years.  Helps prevent and treat sinus infections, allergies, colds, and congestion.  Make sure you follow the instructions provided in the box.  It has become a very popular item and it can be found in most drug stores, health stores and of course, on line.  I use it once to three times a week.  It has changed the way I breathe. In combination with the Gracie Diet, it has helped me eliminate almost completely any allergy or cold I used to get.


Visiting a chiropractor on a regular basis has done a lot for me.  I know some people are against chiropractors.  But if you can find one recommended by a trustworthy source it is worth giving it a shot.  Consider getting a massage at least once a month.  It will help your body get rid of toxins, improve circulation and oxygenation to joints and damaged areas.  It is also a great way to release stress and reduce inflammation.


Of course make sure your gi is clean, you have an extra pair of clean underwear, a mouthpiece and a rash-guard.
